Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Not Bad For A Little Furball (1)

So, I mentioned that I painted a Mandalorian figure for Big Anklevich, and I find it both relaxing and enjoyable, so when I saw Hasbro had put the two most recent Star Wars Ewok figures on clearance,* well, I just had to grab up a couple to experiment on.

I had a Wicket figure from a few months ago that I bought for myself (usually I buy these things to sell), and so, while I waited for the clearanced ones to arrive, I grabbed it to start.  Wicket is brown, with a tan belly.

But I thought it would be fun to paint him either black or grey, and make the darker Ewok, Paploo, lighter.  But we'll get to him.

So, I took off the hood and did a dark grey paintjob first, but it was too dull.

I went over it again with a much lighter grey.  It looked better, I thought.

I went over his stomach and parts of his face with a tan, almost white.  The sculpt is highly detailed, and this really brings out the fur.

This process took a couple of days, and while I tried to keep Big Anklevich updated on my progress, I discovered that I could never make any of the details come out in the photos.  Makes me appreciate those who do professional toy photography all the more.**

But, I found that if I put the figure out in the snow, you could really see the work I had done on it.

By this point, the Ewoks I'd ordered from Hasbro had arrived, so I took the headdress from Paploo, and painted it, this time dark instead of light.

Once done, I put the headdress on Wicket.  It was way too big, but I stuck it on the figure, not realizing that it would cover up nearly all the work I'd done on the body.  But ah well, there are more where that came from.

With the harsh flash on, you can see all the places I missed, and it makes me want to do it over (I swear, if these bad boys went down to ten dollars somewhere, I'd buy a bunch more and paint them every time I listen to a podcast, maybe try stripes and patterns too.

There's lots more possibilities, and lots more work to be done.

*Technically, they put out a holiday-colored Ewok in November, but since I didn't buy it or ever see it in stores (it was only available on their website), it's easy to forget about that one.

**My cousin built himself a light box out of balsa wood and white cloth, and I never understood why you'd go to so much trouble.  Until now.

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