Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Come And Support Me On Patreon, Danny

Look, I don't often tell you to go support me on Patreon (okay, in every posting of a Rish Outcast episode, sure, but I NEVER make posts on here that are solely that).  But today, I'm doing it.

I'm currently editing my New Year's episode, and unedited, it was 2:34:58.  That's two hours, thirty-four minutes, and another bloody minute.  I'm at the 1:29:26 mark (ninety minutes in, basically) of the edit, and I thought I would post a snippet of the Wendy Carlos soundtrack to THE SHINING.  I discovered it recently, and have only used it on the episodes where I feel like it would be funny* . . . except once.  And it was my most recent Patreon address, where I discuss a mental health episode I've had twice now.

I don't honestly know if there's something very wrong with me (besides the obvious, I mean), or if brains just sometimes short-circuit, but I invite you, if you're reading this and are a fan or friend of mine, to go to and support me there, just so we're on the same page.  If one day, I snap and start hacking up the Grady Twins, you can say that you know why.

In addition to my monthly Patreon addresses (which are usually as long as episodes--though not this hellish New Year's episode, I'll admit), I've started doing a shorter bonus show called Rish On Records, where I take a few minutes to look at a song, and read the lyrics.  I try to switch up the genre and era of the songs, so it's not insanely boring, and one day, I promise I will get to A Horse With No Name, because I really need to find out what that song means.  Only the Patreon supporters get that show (although I suppose I could start putting them here, since I'm blogging anyway).

Anyhow, it would really help me to have more Patreon supporters, and you can donate as little as a dollar an episode.  And it was nice to take ten minutes out of my editing and type this.  Bonus.

I'll just leave this here.

*Kevin Smith used it in CLERKS II in a pretty hilarious moment where it was all the funnier when I discovered it was the score to THE SHINING, so I'm copying him, basically.

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