Friday, November 04, 2022

Marshal and I Discuss THE GIVER

Over on the Outfield Excursions* podcast, Marshal Latham and I talk about the 2014 movie THE GIVER . . . which, oddly, I had never heard of.  It's set in an interesting black and white, utopian future where everybody has their unemotional purpose, and one old man's purpose is to know all about the time . . . Before.

I have already forgotten most of the plot of this one, but I do remember it had Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, and an infuriating Katie Holmes in it.  And Taylor Swift?  Really?  That has to be a typo.

Anyway, heck it out HERE.  I accept your apology.

*So weird, I originally typed Offield Exchursions.  Guess we should do the show more often.

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