Friday, November 04, 2022


 Day 12

Well, Jeff still didn't feel well, so we got ourselves another day to decompress (though only MOST of a day, because we have train tickets to Munich this late afternoon, and another set to Venice tonight).  After suffering through "Severance" for me, it was only fair to let Jeff pick the entertainment today, and he picked "Detectorists."  It's a British show about two friends (Mackenzie Crook and Toby Jones) who spend their free time with metal detectors, looking for buried treasure in the English countryside.  It's ostensibly a comedy, and I did laugh a time or two, but more than that, it's a show that made me feel very, very sad.  I've heard it said that a big part of British humour is enjoying watching people suffer, and that seemed to be what this show was all about.  The only time--literally, even when sick or hit with sudden diarrhea or jammed into a train compartment with sweaty strangers--I've felt sorry for myself this whole trip was while watching "Detectorists."

However, Jeff says that the show doesn't make him feel bad at all.  He sees it as two friends who manage to find a spot of hope and joy in their otherwise-miserable lives, sharing this hobby they're passionate about.  Jeff says the show makes him happy.  So there's that.

While we were watching "Detectorists," I glanced up to see (what I thought to be) a woman or girl standing in the hall peeking out at us from the wall.  Of course, nobody was there, but a minute later, when I looked over again, I thought I saw her again.  Maybe there's a story in that, maybe not.

I won't be taking my laptop to Venice with me, because it's just too bloody big.  So, this'll be the last time I use it for a while.  Ironically, if I die, then nobody will ever read this (because I'm days behind on my blog).  Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows.

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