Sunday, August 18, 2024

To Save Me From Tears...

If you listened to my last Patreon address*, you may remember that something I vowed to do in July was to put out a story where I didn't wonder if it was at all good in the author's note.  And the tale I chose to achieve that goal was a 2022 holiday tale called "But the Very Next Day..."

It's a story that was intended to be humorous and light, about an office that participates in Wham!ageddon (that contest where people see who can go the longest without hearing Last Christmas by Wham!) and start taking it way too seriously.  But along the way--probably when the first person who failed in the challenge died of a freak accident--I decided to move it away from an amusing story to something heavier and more Suspense/Horror-centric.

Does it work?  Would it have been better with a lighter tone?  Do I write about the same office experience I had in L.A a little (or a lot) too much?  Next year, should I give it to someone better?

Find out HERE.  

And for my Limey brothers, click HERE.

*And if you didn't listen, you're streets ahead.

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