Friday, September 04, 2020

September Sweeps - Day 216

It was nearly a hundred degrees again today, but it seems likely today was the last truly hot day of the year.*  Already at night there is more of a chill in the air, and at the cabin this week, I left the windows closed all day and night (it was 49 degrees outside when I woke up yesterday morning, and sure to get colder).

This coming Monday is Labor Day, the last three-day weekend till Columbus Day (if that's even celebrated anymore), and as far as I know, nobody is going to the cabin.  That seems like a tremendous waste.  Of course, having just been there yesterday, I'm not sure I'll drive up either.  If you were with me, I would, just to show you around, though.

Sit-ups Today: 100
In September: 516

Push-ups Today: 28
Push-ups In September: 106

I have very little drive to write tonight, having done my sit-ups, push-ups, and running before I even wrote a word.  I managed 153 words before starting to yawn, and that's a bad sign.

You rang?

I meant to set up my microphone, record a chapter or two, knowing that would gain me a few words (usually only fifty or so), but . . .  I was just too lazy.  Didn't do it.  I wrote two or three paragraphs on my "Dead & Breakfast" story and the same on my "Lara & the Witch" tale, and, well, that was it.  I didn't even go to bed, I just woke up early in the morning to find my lights still on and my laptop on the floor (hopefully I put it there gently, rather than gravity doing so).

Words Today: only 464
Words In September: 5212

*Spoilers: It wasn't.

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