Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Anyone But You

From time to time, I get paid to be an extra in a film or television show.  I don't have an agent, and so, it's up to me to book my own work, and since I no longer live in L.A., that means hoping to find a spot on one of the two (or three . . . or sometimes one) productions that are happening in my area every month or so.  And that also means hoping that I fit one of the roles they're looking for, and that I get one of the two casting agents in the area--the one that doesn't dislike me.*  So, it's not just on me (though I've found that the faster you submit yourself after the call goes out, the more likely you'll be picked by whoever the casting agent is) to get work.

Having said that, I get emails a couple of times a week for films or commercials or TV shows, and I consider the day and location on every one I qualify for.

The most recent email I got looked promising.  There was a period project shooting just down the street from me (technically, about four miles away, but you know what I mean), and txhey were looking for men with beards/facial hair, within my age group (30-50).  So, I had my mom take my picture and I submitted myself . . . and didn't get chosen.

But the next day, they sent out another email saying, "We have need for more Men 25-55, please apply."  I noticed they had expanded the age range, but huh, I guess they still didn't need me.

But stranger, the next day, they sent out yet another email, this one saying, "There are still openings for x production.  We desperately need Men 20-70."  Strange.

And today, they sent out yet another email.  This one said something like, "Attention Men 18+ and man-looking women/children:  For the love of Our Lord, floating on His heavenly clouds, PLEASE SUBMIT YOURSELVES FOR THIS PROJECT!!

I hope your whole organization burns to the ground.  And you know what, Big Anklevich hopes it does too.  Long live anarchy.

*I've explained this before, but there was one that booked me on a project, then sent out an email to let me know the calltime for the next morning, and because I was a movie when I got the text, I waited two hours to get back to him, so he replaced me.  And when I called him up to say, "Hey, I cleared my schedule for tomorrow because I was booked and I said I would be there, you can't just ASSUME I would flake and give my spot to somebody else," he brownlisted me (ie, I didn't get work with him again for four years).  

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