Monday, January 09, 2023

"Cormorant" update

Just finished reading Abigail Hilton's book, "The Cormorant," her last book in the Pirates of Wefrivain series.  And now . . . the official work has to begin.

This is gonna be a real challenge.  There are more characters with speaking parts than any time before, but I have to figure out which voices I have previously done in the books, and more complicated, I have to coordinate with Lauren Harris for her chapters, so our voices sound similar-ish to each other for the characters.  

As agreed, on Sunday I had my virtual meeting with the author, and she had planned for this, by including as many audio clips from previous books where characters were originally voiced as possible.  It went well, and I am about to record the first chapter.  It's late at night and I was thinking about going to sleep.  But then I remembered that about five hours ago, I told myself I'd take a jog around the block and I didn't do it.  I was too lazy.  Well, I say the line must be drawn here.  Here, and no further!

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