Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Blog 5/30 and 5/31

So, now we're back to the regular blog, with no pictures and almost no detail.*

I got up in the morn . . . okay, afternoon, and found 212 spam emails waiting for me.  Which is not as bad as it could've been.

After spending most of a whole week extremely busy and moderately sick the whole time, now that I'm back, I spent most of today sleeping or sitting on my arse.  But the day is now done, and I've neither written nor exercised.  I could skip them, but I've made it THE WHOLE MONTH without missing a day, even when we were in the car for a dozen hours yesterday.  So, I'm gonna put on some sweats and run around the block, even though my head has started getting heavy again (it's at about twenty pounds right now, but on Saturday, it was about forty).

Well, I did it, and boy oh boy, my body did NOT like that.  I haven't had this hard a time running since that first night, January 31st 2020.  I stopped to cough after only a block, and stopped again two blocks later, only to turn around and try to make it home (three blocks) without a coughing fit.  It is unwise to exercise when you've got a chest cold, and I've no doubt I did more damage than good . . . but at least I can say I haven't failed in the month of May.

Writing or Exercise:  Exercise


End of the month . . . and if I write tonight, I'm home free (finally achieving my Write/Exercise goal for a month).  And I just sat down at the library.

I saw this sign today, and found it particularly creepy.  

Maybe it's just me.

Writing or Exercise:  Writing

*Or it could be the opposite of that, I can't really remember.

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