Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March Scadness - Day 26

So, I've been writing in two different locations this month: on the computer* , where I can have a machine tally up my word count and I can save it (eventually) into a larger document, and in my notebook.  Thusfar, the Lara and the Witch sequel has been the typed project, and "Balms & Sears" has been in the notebook.  I like it that way, since I'm technically working on two projects at the same time.

And it would have been a shame to abandon "Balms & Sears" entirely.  Again.

Here's a paragraph from today's writing, totally out of context:

Holcomb’s big old car was parked right there on the curb, in the emergency space for ambulances and police cars.  It was surprisingly she hadn’t gotten a ticket or had a tow truck called on her.  But of course she hadn’t.

Years ago, Gino "The Lizard King" Moretto was the first person to read "Like A Good Neighbor."  I still remember how it warmed my heart when he said, "Rish, this story didn't suck.  Except for the parts that sucked."  See?  Heart a little warmer already.  So, I thought it would be fun to send him little bits and pieces of this story as I write it.  I'll also tell him the title first, because if I told Abbie Hilton, she'd tell me I've learned nothing from my previous failures, and if I told Big Anklevich, he'd tell me to go eff myself.  If Gino thinks the title sucks . . . well, it probably does.

Writing Today: 479
Writing Total:  20,023

*The superior way, since I won't have to type it up again one day, and there's little chance of the writing getting lost.

**The traditional, but highly inferior way, especially since I have to manually count the words.  Unless I want to be ambitious and type them up afterward, so the machine can count them.

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