Thursday, December 12, 2019

True(?) Ghost Encounter

I was taking some photos of Star Wars figures today, and when I got them developed (ie, when I transferred them to my computer), I discovered something really disturbing.

In several of the pictures, there was a subtle, but very distinguishable, "human" face visible.

Here, I'll let you be the judge.

Nothing in this one, right?
Well, how about this one?

See, there seems to be a frightening, perhaps malevolent face in the right section of the picture.  Oh, it's subtle, but it's there.

How about this one?

This CAN'T just be my imagination, can it?

I looked through the rest . . . and there were more, like this one:

It's not shadows or a trick of the light, but a truly ghastly visage.

It's even clearer in this picture:

Horrific.  The kind of face no one could possibly love, according to Tobin's Spirit Guide.

Check this one out.

Yeah, it chills my blood to even contemplate this.

I don't know who I need to talk to about this, but not to crib too much from the Monkees, but consider me a believer.

Rish "Ghost Pointer" Outfield

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