Monday, April 08, 2019

March/April Madness - Day 39

I only managed 65 words during the day, in the couple of minutes I sat down and wrote. 

I got my bicycle out of the shed this afternoon, cleaned off the layer of dust it had accumulated, and pumped up the tires as best I could.  I say "as best I could" because I could see a certain how you say, flatness, under me as I rode around.  I'm out of shape (as is my wont), so I only managed half the route I usually ride (rode, since it was, what, 2017 the last time I rode the bike?). I didn't have any excellent writing ideas during the ride, but I did come home, get some work done, and then wrote for a half hour or so at the end of the night.  Luckily, that increased the total substantially. 

I finished up the Big Confrontation, as I've been calling it, and that will mean that, if I write any significant amount tomorrow, I will reach "the end."  I felt like I COULD have finished the story, if I'd gone to the library today, or if I'd really buckled down (if I'd really wanted it, in other words), but no, I think I can do that tomorrow, with little trouble. 
And that's something to look forward to.

Words Today: 1365
Words Total: 28,488

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