I was greatly looking forward to the Academy Awards this year. But hey, I look forward to it every year.

Tyranist and I have seen the show together a few times and today was no exception. He was sick, but instead of wallowing in his misery and/or own filth, he invited me over in the morning and we spent the day together, watching Horror movies and eating our weight in potato chips (or crisps, as he now insists they be called).
But then, his cable went out. There was a raging snowstorm outside, that lasted about as long as me in bed, but somehow disabled his satellite link-up. Faced with the threat of missing what they called in L.A. as The Gay Man's Super Bowl, I nearly panicked, but he put on "Veronica Mars" until he got the channel back.
I was much more impressed by John Stewart as host this year than the last time, and felt he was up there, in presence and humour, as any previous Oscar host. Plus, he's apparently one of the Green Lanterns, so the guy is really versatile.
My favourite moment of the night was when Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova won Best Song for "Falling Slowly" from ONCE. The song is absolutely incredible and so moving, it would melt my heart if the Nineties hadn't driven it from me. And when their names were announced, Hansard got to delivery his acceptance speech, but the music started up just as Irglova got to the mic. Resigned to her fate, she walked away, JUST as Bill Conti stopped the orchestra to let her deliver her speech. There was a second of silence, then the orchestra came up again and they went on with the show.

But after the next break, John Stewart had Marketa Irglova come out and deliver her speech, letting her go on as long as she needed. It was, in this miserable bastage's opinion, one of the classiest and sweetest things I've seen done on the Academy Awards. I don't know whose idea it was to go that way, but I wish I still lived in L.A. so I could buy them a drink.
Ah well. Maybe next life.
Rish "Take this sinking boat and point it home; we've still got time" Outfield
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