Saturday, May 01, 2021

May Sweeps - Day 455

Today is Saturday, and as some kind of Mother's Day thing (I'm guessing, since I wasn't part of the planning), my brother, sister, and brother-in-law cleared, swept, and sanded my mom's back deck today.  Then, they got the paint out to paint/stain the whole deck, and I decided to join them in it as soon as I got some packages shipped.  It was messy and a lot of work, but the group was big enough (as well as the nephews and a neighbor kid who's always hanging around) that it got done fairly quickly.

And the deck looks a lot better than it did three years ago when I painted it for my mom.  Ah well.

Anyhow, as soon as we were done with that, I drove over to the library to get some writing done, but had the option of blogging, typing up yesterday's notebook writing, or writing new stuff, and I chose to type up yesterday's writing.*  And blog a little bit.  My own daily writing didn't/doesn't really matter, and I frankly don't care.

Oh, speaking of not caring: I have to record a Patreon address for the month of May either tonight or tomorrow.  And here's the thing: I got stuck in traffic coming home from the shoot yesterday, and had planned ahead, so I recorded my address then.  It was going to be the usual (how I did on last month's goals, and what goals I'm setting for the next month, as well as any tidbits about upcoming episodes), but I thought I'd start with a fifteen or twenty minute recap of my extra work on this Christmas movie.  So, I started talking.

But at the half hour mark, I realized I wasn't close to done (and I still had twenty minutes left of my drive), so I recorded a new intro to make it a Rish Outcast episode.  And so the Patreon supporters got something special, I went on a fifteen minute tangent (might have been ten minutes, might have felt like seventy) that would only be available to them.  But when I got home, I was still recording, and I hadn't covered everything I'd wanted to talk about.  So, I sat in the parked car for another fifteen minutes to sum up.  All in all, my "Patreon address" ended up being about an hour and twenty/fifteen minutes, all talking about working on this Christmas movie (and I only skimmed over a couple aspects of it--honestly, it could've been a three hour show, if I'd wanted to).

So, that's good, right?  Except now I have no Patreon address, and it's the first of May.

Oh, and bugger me, I didn't manage any more words by the end of the night than I had gotten in that wee stretch between transcribing yesterday's words and the library closing.*  You may ask, "Rish, what did you accomplish then, if you didn't finish recording that story, writing a little while longer, getting your Patreon address recorded, or making up a list of goals for May?  Did you watch Saturday Night Live, then?"

Actually, no.  I didn't turn on the television that I remember.  I can't say what I accomplished (besides my usual exercise regimen), and that's kind of disturbing to me.

Sit-ups Today: 100

Push-ups Today: 50

Words Today: 148

*I had the main character in her Science class, learning about how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.  But it had been so long since I was actually in that class, that I wrote it as "the mitochondria is the workhorse of the cell."  Not sure if anyone would've cared, but it makes as much sense as "powerhouse."

**Which was odd, because they did their overloud announcement, and then they flashed the lights . . . and for the first time ever, it didn't matter, because it was still so light outside that turning out the overhead lights on us made little distance.  Ha.

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