Sunday, May 02, 2021

May Sweeps - Day 456

Did I really not write up a blog post for today?  Do I still have to?

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In May: 200

In Houston, where Big lives, there's a discount store chain called 5 Below.  He (and various folks on the internet) talked about it like it was a magical, amazing place, where great bargains--nay, treasures!--could be found.  I went to one in Hemet, California (and bought cheap headphones I never used because they're too tight--except when I'm doing a Skype call), and one in Oceanside, CA (and bought nothing).

But now, they opened one nearby, in the town four up from mine.  It opened on Friday, but I was working, and I thought about going on Saturday, but we were painting (shoot, I should have taken a picture of the deck when we were finished.  Didn't occur to me).  But today, I did manage to get over there.

And they had a lot of empty shelves . . . and a ton of customers milling around.  Seriously, it was like going to the mall on a Saturday in December, with so many people curious about this amazing new store.  My nephew spoke to one of the employees, who described a lot of seemingly-excellent items they had had on the first day that had since sold out.

I left without buying anything (the line was super long anyway), but I dunno if it's going to join the list of weekly destinations I drive to.

Push-ups Today: 165
Push-ups In May: 215

I can't remember accomplishing anything today, except that I took my laptop with me, and went to the park for a few minutes to sit in the shade and write.  It was surprisingly busy for a Sunday afternoon, and I guess every young person in town had the same idea as me.  

Not that I'm a young person.  Or live in the same town as the park.

I'm not really sure what I mean.  Maybe I'll write a bit more later, but probably not.

Words Today: 540
Words In May: 688

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