Friday, April 30, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 454

I'm sorry.  I'm just too tired to blog right now.  I looked at the clock, sure it was three or four, but it's only 1:09am.  Not late for me, but I can't stay awake any longer.  I'm sunburned and tired, and I hate to go out for the month on a whimper, but a whimper it must be.  Goodnight.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 3116

I had quite a lot to say about the last two days' worth of extra work.  So much so that I started to record my thoughts for my Patreon address for the month of May, but after reaching the half hour mark, I realized it would be way too long, and it'll have to be its own episode now.  And when I reached the one hour-ten minute mark, I realized it would be a looooooooong episode.  Excited?

Push-ups Today: 165
Push-ups In April: 3325

I made it through two-thirds of Stephen King's new book today and yesterday, but I did take a half hour out of my reading to write in my notebook, just so, if it was a long day again, I wouldn't have to worry about whether I'd written or not.

Words Today: 748 (all in notebook--first time this year)
Words In April: 20,760

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