Wednesday, March 03, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 396

We had another unseasonably warm day today so my cousin and I were able to eat outside without much discomfort.  And it looks like the world is getting closer to normal again, as you can now sit down in a Taco Bell (after which, you'll be doing a great deal of sitting down, if you know what I mean).*

My laptop has been bugging me for a restart the last few days, having some kind of update it absolutely NEEDED to do (more on that tomorrow), and I finally went ahead and let it restart.

Big mistake.  Apparently, this is one of the reboots that are supposed to happen in the wee hours of the morning when you're not in front of your computer anyway, because an hour after the restart, it had a blue screen that said it was 63% finished with the update.  I did paperwork, a small revision on "A Sidekick's Errand," and laundry while I waited, and as soon as it was done, I packed up the machine and drove over to the library.

Well, I only had about forty-five minutes to write, and I didn't manage to get to the end of the story I'm working on, despite it being a very short tale with very little connection to the others in the series.**

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In March: 342

Last night, my cousin and I got to catch up on "Wandavision," and man, the show is constantly surprising.  Or maybe it's just surprisingly constant.  No, the first one.  If it can end on a high note, I may declare it my favorite Marvel series.  And yes, that's including the "Helstrom" series I just now found out happened during the pandemic and was canceled as soon as it aired. 

I was disappointed that Kathryn Hahn's character was revealed to be Agatha Harkness, not because it was badly done, but because all the dorks that insisted that's who it was (before the show even effing started) due to things like her name being Agnes ("Get it: Ag . . . . . . . . Ness?") and that she wears a--gasp!--broach the first time we see her.

But Hahn is rather wonderful, and the purple magic she casts is visually delightsome.  Still, wouldn't it have been grand if they'd cast Betty White in that part, considering her legacy as television royalty, and the fact that she's rarely been able to play a vicious or evil character before.

Push-ups Today: 50
Push-ups In March: 262

Words Today: 630
Words In March: 2639

*I apologize, that was a low blow.  It always bugs me how much crap Taco Bell gets compared to all the other fast food places (except maybe McDonalds--people LOVE to bag on McDonalds), but I have to admit that I always laugh at the myriad Taco Bell equals diarrhea jokes.  I just find the concept amusing.  As the be-otches say, sorry, not sorry.

**Although it DOES answer the big question (or one of the big ones) posed in the very first story "True Ghost Encounter."  You know the one.

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