Thursday, March 04, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 397

I mentioned yesterday that I restarted my laptop.  I don't know if that was to blame, but the sound suddenly didn't work on my computer this morning, and the whole system was insanely sluggish, causing me to suspect something had gone wrong in the update.  So, the first thing I did was restart the system again, but it fixed nothing (the sound plays, but it's all staticky and there's some kind of interference that is not there when I plug in headphones and listen that way).  After that, I disabled and reinstalled my audio driver (that has worked in the past when there's no sound at all).  Not a solution.

Because I suspect it's the update (although it could be a virus, so I did a virus check, and found nothing), I tried to roll back the update to where it was yesterday.  I'm not sure if it worked, but it insisted on restarting my system again, and things seem to be running faster, but still, the sound is really bad.  Bad enough that I wouldn't be able to edit audio without headphones (which I concede is not the end of the world, but should not be happening with a computer this new).

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In March: 442

So, it's the fourth of March, and I had yet to get on my rollerblades this month (as you may recall, one of my goals for March is to practice on those medieval devices of torture TEN times), and I couldn't figure out why I'm so afraid of them.  I can't really explain it.  If I had set the goal of playing the guitar ten times this month, or practicing Russian ten to twenty times this month, or striking my gonads with a putting iron five times this month, I can't see being so nervous about it.*

There must have been an angle to the parking lot because once I started rolling forward, my body kept going, speeding up beyond what I was used to (although, to be frank, I'm not even used to standing up in those things, let alone moving forward).  I tried to use the black thing on the heel as a brake, but all it accomplished was my very first spill on the rollerblades.

And happily, it didn't even hurt, just a quick flop back onto the cement.  But I discovered that I didn't know how to stand up with the skates on, and that was a bit of a surprise.  I finally managed to flip myself onto my knees and stand up that way, then rolled--slowly--back to my car.  It was tempting to just get into it and drive away, but I forced myself to try again, pushing myself forward, trying to keep my knees bent, and attempting to skate like you do with ice skates on.  

This isn't anything like ice skates, it turns out.  If anything, it makes me want to go to an ice skating rink--even alone--to prove to myself that I'm still capable of forward motion.  As slowly as humanly possible, I rolled to the edge of the parking lot, turning around and almost as slowly skated back.  Then it was time to go to the car, and--

But wait.  Since I was already at the park, I took my skates off and compelled myself--as penance--to run to the stairs and go up and down it.  It had been months (probably September or October the last time I'd done it), and it will please you to know that it was just as hard now as it was a year ago, when the world was shutting down, but I could always go to the park and exercise or write, since there were seldom other people around.

Push-ups Today: 143
Push-ups In March: 405

I made it to the library and, blah, blah, blah, the same as always: I saw people with masks on and wondered what they looked like without them on (or any clothes), there were the usual one or two who wouldn't wear them, I tried to write but got distracted, and then it was time for the library to close.  I did, however, finish my "Dead & Breakfast" story, which is exactly what the series was supposed to be, where a person checks into the hotel and a ghost comes to their door.  I doubt it'll be anybody's favorite in the series, but I'm counting it anyway.

Words Today: 948
Words In March: 3587

*That DOES give me a fine idea for April, though.

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