Tuesday, March 02, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 395

The kids were watching "Friends" today on TV, and it sort of made me sick.  Not that I have anything against "Friends" or anything: I watched every single episode, bought the soundtrack, got a hat in '95 with the logo on it, laughed out loud through every show (even the semi-awful ones with Giovani Ribisi in them).  No, the beef I have is with the way they were presented on television.  Syndication has always been notorious for cutting out parts of episodes so they can shove more commercials in, but this was a new low.  Not only did they run the end credits smashed down at the bottom of the screen while the next episode started up, but they also ran the opening titles (sped up and sans music) squished below while the episode was playing, so they could cram in another thirty or forty seconds of Jake From State Farm, Diet Coke, and Peleton ads into every show.  And yes, they trimmed out scenes and lines too, so that each show runs approximately eighteen minutes long, which kind of broke my heart a little.

I finished editing "A Sidekick's Errand," and it came to one hour and forty-eight minutes.  I think that's about right, though I don't know if the story itself is any good or not.  I do love narrating these suckers, though, because they put me in the mindset to write more of them, and I worked on "Sins of a Sidekick" for the first time in a year last week, and might get on it again as soon as I finish this little "Dead & Breakfast" tale I'm close to finished with (it'll be my shortest one, I imagine, but is exactly what I intended with the series when I first began it, before getting involved in the lives of the employees that work there).

So, one of my goals for March is to try to rollerblade TEN times in the month.  That involves putting the darn things on, and seeing if I can propel myself forward on them.  I hope that, after two or three more tries, I'm no longer so afraid of them, and filled with less self-loathing than I was the two tries last week.  

For the first time in thirteen months, one of my goals is NOT to write every single day.  That ship has sailed, and I'm happy to see it go.  Now sure, I wrote yesterday and I wrote today, but I don't feel obligated to do it every day.  Maybe that's bad, but that's fine.

Push-ups Today: 142
Push-ups In March: 212

Sit-ups Today: 142 (I purposely matched the number of push-ups, just to be a tool)
Sit-ups In March: 242

Words Today: 1049
Words In March: 2009

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