Monday, February 01, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 366

Wow, full circle!

Today begins February, my least favorite of the months.  And that means that, technically, I don't have to write today at all (or write in my revolting, festering blog).  But Big Anklevich is all gung-ho (or perhaps Bazooka, I always get the GI Joes confused) about writing this month, and I cannot let him win.  So I'll write something today, and keep the blog going, at least for a while.

I saw this item for sale today:

I hate myself so much, I seriously considered buying it.

So, I went to the library, and wrote a little bit, then watched the people around me, then wikipediaed, then wrote some more.  They made their announcement ("The library will be closing, so get the fu--"), flashed their lights, and I checked my word count.  And wow, it was exactly 1000 words!  That's the kind of stuff Big Anklevich would pull off, right before a girl handed him her telephone number . . . written on her still-warm panties.  

Ah, Anklevich, rest in peace, you and Screech.

Sit-ups Today: 100

Push-ups Today: 129

Words Today: 1000

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