Tuesday, February 02, 2021

February Sweeps - Day 367

Only got a single sentence written today.  But I didn't feel particularly well, ended up falling asleep for an hour or so, and now I'm paying for it, as the library closes soon, and I must stop blogging and start writing in earnest.  

There's a dude that keeps walking back at forth here on the second floor of the library.  He'll go from one staircase, down, then up and back.  I recognize that this is some kind of exercise he's doing.  But he's an old guy (if sixty-five or so is still considered old--it might not be), and isn't wearing a mask.  The third time he walked by, I checked his hands, but all he's holding is his phone.

The mask thing is so weird.  I know that it's super-divisive, but man, I'm sick of everything being super divisive.  On Sunday, my brother and sister were complaining about the mask mandate and how stupid it was, and how masks don't protect us from anything, and it's weird that I feel so differently about it, though I have walked toward Walmart or Target before only to have to turn around to go back and get my mask, which is annoying, but a price I'm willing to pay.  

The old guy may have already had the virus, and now feels like the rule shouldn't apply to him.  And I get that, but I still wear it because of what it represents.  And more strongly, what the people who refuse to wear the masks represent in my mind.

In this Outpost Virus story I'm writing, it is such a thinly-veiled COVID analogy that I've actually had a couple characters refuse to wear masks in it (or one wearing it halfway down his face).  It's one of those things where, if I ever finish it and read it again in the future, I'll know exactly where I was and what was happening in my life when I wrote it.  And that's both good and bad, in my opinion.  Regardless, I'd rather finish it and feel embarrassed by my lack of creativity (it's on a planetary outpost, and it's a pandemic that kills 95% of those that catch it) than give up halfway through, like most of the brilliant works I've started then abandoned.  As I often say, the worst completed story is better than the greatest unfinished one.*

Sit-ups Today: 166
Sit-ups In February: 266

Push-ups Today: 150 (accidentally did them in the morning and at night)
Push-ups In February: 279

Words Today: 569
Words In February: 1569

*I'm seriously considering doing an Outcast episode with this theme.  Unless you stop me.

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