Sunday, January 31, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 365

Last night, I grew extremely tired around ten o'clock.  I still had a ton of work to do, but since I tend not to go to sleep until two, I had time to do it.  But by midnight, I could barely keep my eyes open.

Before I went to sleep, I discovered two days in October where I'd repeated "Day ___" on my blog entries, which either explained, or went a ways to explaining, why today wasn't my 365th day of writing in a row.  So, I started opening my files, and adding two days to each post, updated the date, then republished it.

Except this simple task was almost impossible for me.  I could not do it.  My mind could not manage the math of adding two to something.  What is 279 plus 2?  I did not know.  I couldn't figure out numbering, because my brain wanted to sleep.  

It took over an hour, and I got to the point where I would count the numbers out loud, then go into two or three files to update them, and by the second or third one, I had forgotten what the numbers should be, and had to start over.  Even one at a time proved difficult: I would change Day 281 to Day 283 and then my eyes would close, and I had no idea whether I had changed it or not.  So I'd change it to 285 and hit publish, but when I looked at the master list, I saw it was wrong.

Worse, I did that once and continued from there, so now there were three or four posts that were ahead of where they were supposed to be.  

Finally, once I got to the last published post, I went to sleep, and when I woke up, checked my work.  There were still one or two that hadn't been fixed.  But here's the worst thing: it still isn't right.  2020 was a Leap Year, so YESTERDAY should've been Day 365 and today would be 366 (obviously, I've still missed a day somewhere along the line).  Right?  I can't remember anymore.

Big told me he's starting tomorrow, and asked how it feels to know I don't have to write tomorrow.  I honestly don't know.  I'd rather not write today than not write tomorrow, but I haven't decided what to do in February (besides hate the fourteenth with all my taint).

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In January: 3509

I finished a bit of outstanding work, and could have written, I suppose, but didn't.  At the end of the night, I recorded more of "Suckers For Mystery," and was horrified at how few words I got down.  But I was tired, and went to bed figuring, yeah, I went out on a whimper, but you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Push-ups Today: 50
Push-ups In January: 2691

This has been January, and it has been damn short.  I know people talked about how long 2020 was, but it has been a full year since I went running for four blocks, came back, and recorded a little video about how I was going to turn my life around, write every day, and blog my progress.  And even though, as my favorite song last year went, "it seems like yesterday was a year ago" . . . a year ago also feels like yesterday.

Words Today: 260
Words In January: 24,246

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