Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December Sweeps - Day 318

I worry that a lot of these blog posts come across as quite bitchy.  "Wow, that girl isn't even wearing a mask.  Guess when you're that pretty, you don't want to insult God by covering up His excellent craftsmanship."  

You see, when you're raised in a religious household, one of the things you spend your whole life getting over is the hypocrisy of being told that a good Christian constantly judges others, and holds his head up high knowing that the gate to Heaven is open to a select few, like you . . . despite some dude two thousand years ago saying that we should judge not lest we be judged.

I will never get over that, if I live to be fifty.

But I don't mean to sound so judgey.  I just don't understand how someone can come to the library, go up to the "Quiet Floor," and then talk loudly on their cellphone.  Or how someone can come to the library, go up to the Quiet Floor, and then take their mask off and set it next to the sign that says "Masks MUST be worn at all times."  I am aware that I am not one of the winners in life, and I genuinely want to know how somebody like that thinks . . . in case I want to write about it in my secret notebook someday.

It's hard, as I keep saying, to write a blog 316 days in a row.

Last night, I did my allotted 107 push-ups, and then sat on the couch eating ice cream and watching "30 Rock" again.  I awoke at just after five am, groggily dragging myself off the couch, turning off the TV, and going to bed, where my computer was still set up to record another couple of chapters of "A Sidekick's Errand."

I have done pretty well with the daily writing this year (and especially the icky daily blogging), btu I could have done better.  I could've written more (instead of starting strongest in February, and it all being downhill from there).  I could've finished those dozen or so stories I started and then abandoned partway through.  But even if I had, I still could have done more.  You can always do more.  Unless you're the gosh-darn Alien Sanderson, you can always do more than you have done.

Let's remember that as we start a new year.  If you accomplished your goals today, whoops, now it's morning again, and you have to start over at one

 So, Gino sent me an update on the "My Friend of Misery" cover.  This is how it looked this morning (which for Gino is late two nights ago):

I think it's well on the way--just needs a bit more shading on the kid's hand.  Gino said he was going to do another pass to make it scarier, and that thrilled me, because, as good as it looks, I did want it more obviously Horror, rather than JUST an E.T. parody (which is what it is).

Spoiler alert: he's already worked on it and made it even better.

Sit-ups Today: 150
Sit-ups In December: 1594

I have to admit that my damned headache came back again today.  My nephew came home from school with a headache yesterday (his first day back post-COVID), and never recovered enough to go to school today.  It has to be the same thing--I'm just in better shape or having lighter reactions than he does.

That reminds me: on Sunday, we were told that my Uncle Len went to the hospital.  He felt bad and it got severe enough that he called his brother George, who just came home from a month-long stint in the hospital for a quintuple bypass (that's five-times, kids).  First it was my Uncle Ed, then my Uncle George, then my future brother-in-law Aaron, then my Uncle Len.  

I am fortunate to only have a headache and a very small wang.  Wouldn't you say?

Words Today: 1000
Words In December: 13,374

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