Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December Sweeps - Day 319

Well, somehow, it happened again.  I'm not sure how something like this can occur, but I lost all of my work from yesterday.  

I was at the library, and I wrote a blog post, and forced myself to get a thousand words in on what I'm calling my outbreak story . . . and during the night, the system rebooted, and I lost it all.  I normally have a backup in WordCounter (which has saved me a time or two), but that only has Saturday and Monday's work in it (for some reason).

This is empissening, believe you me.  So, I not only have none of the work I did yesterday, but I don't even have the word count for it.  And I thought I was being so smart working on my laptop instead of the library computers.


Push-ups Today: 108
Push-ups In December: 836 

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In December: 1694

In brighter news, Gino sent me updated art for my book, and wow, I'm thinking it's the best work he's done for me.

He says it's not quite done--more work on the shading, but I like how much creepier it is than yesterday's version, and wish I could make covers that look that good myself.

And that means I need to get this published.  Hold me to it.

Words Today: 1275 (that's more rewriting than I did originally)
Words In December: 14,649 

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