Monday, December 14, 2020

December Sweeps - Day 317

We had snow today.  It was quite beautiful.  There, I said it, now it can go away for a few weeks.

I ran to the storage unit and recorded my sole Christmas song, before my morning alarm even went off (it went off as I was setting the phone on the tripod--thankfully not a minute or two later), and so that is a relief I no longer have to think about.

Marshal Latham sent me a list of ten questions after listening to the audiobook of "You're In Good Hands."  It made me super happy to hear his questions, and as much as I'd like to set aside a whole episode of my podcast to answering them, I'm thinking that nobody else would find that entertaining, much less want to pay for that.  I'll try to figure out a fun way to answer the questions, most of which, sadly, have answers like "Um, not really.  That just sort of happened by accident."

Still, I'm pleased that he wanted to talk about it, and as I quite like "Like A Good Neighbor" (enough anyway to have already written a sequel to it), it would be neat if other people liked it too).

I had been listening to an audiobook from the library for the past month or so (maybe longer, since I started it when I was still going to the cabin, and had it out so long I couldn't renew it and was paying late fees on it), and yesterday, I decided it wasn't worth it to go through to the end.  It wasn't badly written, and was wonderfully narrated by an English guy, Euan Morton, but a bunch of the characters were cats, and they were just nasty, toxic characters.  Granted, I have a bias, but if Klingons ever acted the way the cats did in this book, I'd be siding with the Romulans all the way.

So, I returned the book, despite being on Disc 14 of sixteen.  I then grabbed Tina Fey's "Bossypants," which I've owned for years and never read, and was laughing within the first two minutes.  Really, really good stuff.

I've no doubt I wouldn't have picked up the book had I not been rewatching "30 Rock," but I've always been impressed with her shamelessly geek-friendly comedic stylings, and with her book, I have not been disappointed.*

Sit-ups Today: 150
Sit-ups In December: 1444

Push-ups Today: 107
Push-ups In December: 728

Words Today: 1451
Words In December: 12,374

*One thing that's hard for me to get my head around is how much personal, embarrassing stuff is in her autobiography (of course, this is coming from somebody who blogged about trying to do sit-ups with a hemorrhoid and wrote an entire story about pooping himself at the Junior Prom), which of course endears her to me, despite having a mother whose name is, I kid you not, Zenobia.

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