Saturday, August 20, 2022

Goals For 2022 - August Update

I have not been nearly as good at keeping track of these goals this year as I did last or in 2020, but let's check in and see how I'm doing.

1.  Go on one hike a month.  I'm not sure I did a hike in June (I'm thinking back, and I dunno), but I did in July and I just did in August as well.  I'm not going to say I've blown this--though I probably have--but I'll keep trying to remember).

2.  Insert "Joanie Loves Chachi" reference into at least two stories.
I did once, then promptly forgot about it.  Maybe I can stick one in the dishwasher story (I threw in a random line about Ronnie Milsap the other day, then wasted twenty minutes reading about his life and career . . . that could easily have been Joanie/Chachi).

3.  Start up "Twilight Groan" again with Cathexis, at least four episodes.
This would have happened if it was going to happen.  My niece did bring her laptop over, though, and I saw it had a Rod Serling sticker on the front, so that's something.

4.  Plot out and start writing the third "Calling" story (and finish it?).
I still WANT to do this, but haven't gotten to it.

5.  Finish recording and publish "Hatchling."  
This is out, thank Buddha.*

6.  Put out Christmas collection I was supposed to put out in 2020.
I did edit another of those audio stories a month or three back, but soon it'll be time to start thinking about this again (especially if Big puts out his X-mas collection).

7.   Put out Audio collection I was supposed to put out in 2019.  This got done.  Now I need to start on Volume 5.

8.  Buy no more Transformers.  Darn, I was doing so well.  I bought one for Big Anklevich early in the year (never sent it to him, though, so I suppose I could return it), but then I bought two in August because they were supposedly rare.  Sorry.

9.  Finish "Balms & Sears" . . . in first quarter of 2022.
Well, that was just a stupid goal, because even if I finish it now (which I still haven't), I can't count it as succeeding at the first quarter part.

10.  Put out 10-12 Podcasts That Dare Not Speak Their Name.
I'm on track (I've got five so far, and am nearly done with the next one).  The most current one I'm editing had a recording of, get this: two and a half hours.  So I think we're going to get my first two-part Podcast That Dares.  Maybe I'll schedule them to drop in October/November, when I'm gone.

11.  Get Marvel Universe figures out of storage and get rid of them.
Done (though it doesn't matter, because they were already gone).

12.  Put out "Dead & Breakfast" collection 1.
What?  That?  It is something I could do, but where do I end it?  Should I just put out the stories that I have recorded and edited, and call that Volume One?  It would be the least work for me.

13.  Run on treadmill once a week.
Oh, balls.  Nope.  But I did get the exercise bike, and I've used that once a week.  I'm going to switch it up.

14.  Put out "Caller I.D." on the Outcast . . . birthday week?
That was done, though not quite on time.

15.  Finish Outpost Outbreak novel.
I don't even remember what that is.  I'm sure I wrote on it in January or February.

16.  Read another really great book.
I'm currently reading "The Bear and the Dragon" by Tom Clancy.  Maybe that will count.

*Or Bossk.  He had the same level of involvement.

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