Saturday, August 20, 2022

8-19 & 8-20


Today, Big asked how much of "Balms & Sears" I had still to write.  I told him I was so close, I could have it done this week, if I wanted.  But immediately, I started to think up excuses NOT to finish the book.

I hit the library, with only an hour to spare, and barely got any writing done.  But Big Anklevich texted to tell me he'd only gotten 367 words, and I took that as a challenge.  I had to get more than that!

Unfortunately, while writing about Alec sitting up in the bed of a Days Inn, I stumbled upon my most thwarting word: bureau.  Try as I might, I could not spell it, and on my second try, the program simply auto-corrected it for me ("Thanks, Satan!").  Man, I am not a fan of that word.*

I only got in 584 words before they made their obnoxious announcement.  But that will have to do.

I did send Abbie the first two chapters of the book, but am stuck on Chapter 3 because of a line I'll have to redo.  Guess that puts us at:

4 / 52

According to Doctor Chunder, that puts me at 7.69% through the book (of course, I've recorded probably a third of it, averaging more than one chapter a day, but the editing is the truly hard part).

I drove over to my cousin's house, so we could watch PREY, the prequel to PREDATOR, which I'd heard such nice things about.  And yeah, it was quite good.  Not perfect, but hey, none of these movies have been.  It's an utter shame I didn't get to see this movie on the big screen, but whoever is running Fox these days thinks streaming numbers are more valuable than box office numbers, as opposed to the morons who left close to a billion dollars on the table by thinking streaming numbers were just as valuable as box office with recent Disney, Marvel, and Pixar films.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person. 

Arcove or Exercise: Arcove (and Writing)


While preparing the next Podcast That Dares on Thursday, I got an error that the file was corrupted, and there were two sections of the story that were now silent.  Unfortunately, I recorded the story back in November, and returned the book to the library then, so I had no way of re-creating it that day.  It remains silent for now, but I reminded myself to go to the library, get the book again, take it to the cabin, re-record those two bits, edit them into the story, and have the episode done for September.  

But I forgot to check the book out again.

I spent a half hour or so editing the relines in for Abbie's book, and to my pleasant surprise, the audio was indistinguishable between the old recording and the new.  Always nice when that happens.**

I got only 462 words today, but ah well.  I got to the library late, and still wasted time on Wikipedia and reading about the weekend box office over on  I should do better, as you know (Bob), but I could also do worse.

This afternoon, I took my nephew to the park, and on the way Kissing A Fool by George Michael came on the radio.  I didn't really remember the song (except that in March 2020, my uncle told me an anecdote about George Michael and his brother that suddenly makes it significant to me), but now, because of LAST CHRISTMAS, it's tainted.  Sigh.

I had a little bit of work to do, so I decided to watch the first episode of "Ozark" on Netflix.  Before I knew it, my work was done, I was scratching my grundle, and it was 4:14am, with one episode after another simply playing, outside of my control.

Arcove or Exercise: Arcove (and Writing)

*If you know of a synonym for "beareau," please tell it to me, so I never have to use it again.

**I'm reminded of some podcast that had me do a story for them, and then six months later, they asked for relines, and when I sent them in, they complained that the sound quality was different between the new lines and the old, and they wanted it done again.  A valid complaint, but still, eff those guys.

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