Monday, August 22, 2022


One of the saddest days of my life was . . . well, I guess it was when the fortune teller told me, "You will never marry, you will never have any children.  You will die, by your own hand . . . and soon," but a fairly sad day was when one of my listeners told me he'd found a bunch of errors in my audiobook on Audible, and (at that time), there was no way to take it down and fix them.*

As I start to give Abbie the finished audio, I'm well aware that nearly every chapter will have something (the chapters are just too long not to--except Chapters 6b and 7b, those were short) that I missed in it.

I finished a couple more today.  Which puts us at:

6 / 52

Wow, doesn't look like a lot, when you put it that way.

Today's another one of those days where I cannot, for the life of me, get myself to write anything.  I should be ashamed of myself.

But I'm not.  I'll see if I can manage 100 words.  If I can do that, it's still something.

Managed 209 words.  Then a few more.  When they kicked me out, I was at 621.  I'll take that.

Arcove or Exercise: Arcove (and Writing)

*There are now, but it's still a huge pain in the chonch

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