Sunday, August 21, 2022


I woke up from a bad dream fairly early in the morning, which is interesting considering I didn't get to sleep last night until nearly five, and decided to do a load of laundry (my room smells like a homeless devil-worshiper's foulest sock) and get some "Arcove" editing done.  On Wednesday, I made a Macro in my editing program called Character Thought, that I can go to again and again (I wish there was a way to attach a keyboard shortcut to it), and it probably saves me, oh, a whole minute on each chapter.  That may not sound like much, but . . .

Come to think of it, it isn't much.  Darn.

I edited a bit with the line "proceeded to knead the air" and realized that in audio, I didn't really convey that it's "kneed" and not "need."  

Something Abbie does in this book is have character's remember things that others said to them earlier in the book, as part of their thoughts.  I need to not only put the Character Thought effect on them, but try to replicate how I said the line the first time.  I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but it's just part of doing something I know I'm good at, which means doing it right.  The audiobook I'm listening to now is so sub-par, where the narrator doesn't even distinguish between male and female voices, let alone Russian, American, and Chinese.

I did the stairs at the park again today, as well as jogging around the outside track.  When I got to the car, my face was bright red.  I must be doing something . . . right?

I have talked, in the past, about how one must be a real self-promoter in order to succeed in the creative arts (whether it's writing, acting, audiobook narrating, fingerpainting, or podcasting).  I met a dude the other day with a YouTube channel*, and he told me to check it out, sending me a Friend request on Facebook, then after I'd accepted, bombarded me with "Have you checked out my channel yet?" messages until I finally went there and watched him do his thing.  I think that kind of blatant disregard for tact and subtlety is what you need to get ahead in the arts, hence my complete lack of success in that arena.

Arcove or Exercise: Both

*He does John Leguizamo/Cthulu Mythos-related stop-motion clay animation with occasional funny digestive sound effects.

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