Sunday, June 12, 2022

My Voice on "Audition" on HorrorAddicts

Once again, my voice is in a story over at  Emerian Rich is a tireless podcaster, producing in a month what I manage in about half a year, and she keeps using me to voice male characters in the stories she runs.  This one was called "Audition" and was written by Naching T. Kassa.

It's about a young man trying out to be part of a Rock band, but finding out there's a particular supernatural requirement for joining.  Check it out HERE.

Oh, and Emz always puts how many days remain till Halloween on each post.  And that's something I can really get behind.

I keep thinking of asking her to narrate my story "A Gallon A Day," which is a female POV parody I wrote at the end of 2020, but I haven't dared yet.  It's not like she intimidates me as much as mean old Julie Hoverson does, but I keep chickening out.

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