Tuesday, June 14, 2022

6/12 - 6/14


Post lost. (I wrote about it on the 20th)

Writing or Exercise: Exercise


Post lost.

I bought a poster at the Star Wars Celebration, and went to two different craft stores to see if I could get a frame for it.  At Michael's, the frame was $54.99 but they were having a Buy One Get One Free sale on the frames, and at JoAnne's, they had a nice one for $49.99, and a cheaper one with just plastic for $39.99.  I didn't buy any of them because I thought eBay or Amazon might have them cheaper*, but all of it was too much, especially for how much I'd spent for the poster.  I figured it would join the legions of other posters I've bought over the years, that remain undisplayed, plenty still in rolls in the corner of the room.

But then I thought I'd go to the thrift store down the street.  It always has posters and stuff, and while the size I was looking for is rare (it's super long and super thin), I bought a frame that, while too wide, actually seems like a pretty good substitute.  It had a poem in it that had obviously been given to some lady's mom, and dollars to donuts, that mom is now dead.  But I took out the backing, reversed the poem, and put my poster inside it.  It didn't work exactly right (I think I'd need to secure it to the cardboard better), but it's okay for what I wanted.

I had intended to put it up at the cabin, as I vowed last year (to gradually replace John Wayne images with Star Wars ones), but I was afraid to (and the smoke from the fireplace is apt to damage it, right?).  So instead, it sits in the corner, just in a frame rather than a roll.

Writing or Exercise: Writing


Rest of post lost.

Oh no, the horror of realizing I like the "Ms. Marvel" series more than "Obi-Wan Kenobi."  

Even so, the OWK episode tonight was pretty good.  It's interesting because two weeks ago I was complaining about how Obi-Wan was the weakest Jedi we'd ever seen in any of the movies, weaker even than when Alec Guinness played him and Vader said, "Your powers are weak, old man," but last night I had pretty much no problem with Vader being more powerful by far than we've EVER seen him before . . . but these things are relative, I suppose.*

Writing or Exercise: Writing

*They did have cheaper options, but the shipping actually made the prices worse--which I totally understand, shipping is a be-otch.

**I also said (or thought) that at Star Wars Celebration, Ahsoka Tano in "The Siege of Mandalore" was the most powerful Jedi I had ever seen, including those silly Tartakovsky "Clone Wars" cartoons where they could fly.  Power is relative, isn't it?

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