Friday, April 09, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 433

Another busy day today, which is fine.  I'm at the library, and before I came over, I stopped off at Taco Bell, just to annoy the many people who don't like Taco Bell.  Not only could I sit down in their lobby, but they've put out the sauces again for customers to grab for themselves, something that's been absent for over a year.  

I can't wait for drinking fountains to come back.

And nude beaches, while I'm at it.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 900

I always use the second floor of the pubic library--usually the same cubicle, unless it's occupied--since that day I tried the first floor and it was a Victorian madhouse down there.  The deaf dude just came up here and sat down nearby, and I have to wonder why a deaf guy would prefer the Quiet Floor to the Regular Floor (not that he can't go wherever he likes, it's just that there are only a half dozen of us here right now, and my guess is, every floor he goes to is a quiet floor.

I really should concentrate on writing, but I kind of don't want to.  What else is new, right?

I wonder, when I am on my deathbed (I originally wrote "when I am old and on my deathbed," but hey), if I will regret all this time spent writing.  I'm sure I'll regret a lot of things, like naps and watching people review the four-hour cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE, but them's the breaks, huh?

Oh, and I wrote public library as "pubic" library, and I didn't fix it.  More regrets for the deathbed.

Push-ups Today: 50
Push-ups In April: 900 (Oh, wow, the same number as sit-ups!  That can only mean one thing: my addition is off again)

This isn't really news, and it's certainly not boasting (more like, me trying to come up with something to say in a four hundred and thirty-something blog post in a row), but as of tomorrow, I will have paid off one of my credit cards--the one that I maxed out a year and a half ago and flat-out stopped using sometime last summer.  Oh, I'm far from out of the woods (I started using a second credit card when I reached the limit on the first one, but that one is only a couple of good months away from being paid off as well), and I imagine it was 2017 or so when I was completely debt free, but I think I can manage it if I just do my best to stay motivated and responsible.  

Well, it's me we're talking about, so responsible-ish.

Words Today: 1304
Words In April: 5347

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