Thursday, April 08, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 432

My nephews have been sleeping in the living room for the last two days, just sprawling out on the couch and floor respectively.  Last night, I had to step over the ten year old to do my push-ups, and I have to admit that he's gotten much more spoiled rotten in the last couple of months.  I very rarely have sympathy for my father, since he was a harsh, unaffectionate man, but sometimes I wonder how infuriating I was, since I was (and still have the tendency to be) a very lazy person.  I wonder if he worried about me, what sort of person I would grow up to be, and if he was greatly disappointed that I showed so much potential early on, only to squander it on what he deemed to be trivial and worthless things, like action figures, the Star Wars films, and writing.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 800

I got a message from one of our Dunesteef fans the other day, asking if I had reached the million word mark in my career (as in, "You have to write a million words of crap before you get good," which is attributed to Raymond Chandler, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Jerry Pournelle, David Eddings, and Neil Gaiman, and probably others).  I thought about it for a while, thinking that, no, I probably hadn't quite gotten there yet.

But if I wrote a thousand words a day in 2020, which I probably did, that's more than a third of the way there already (366,000 words, if my math is correct), and if you consider 1990 as the first year that I started writing (it isn't, but it was the year we got a computer, and I could type up, share, and keep my stories for the first time), then there's no way I didn't reach a million words years ago.  That's pretty interesting.

Push-ups Today: 157
Push-ups In April: 850

You know how I used to put out videos of bad experiences I had with customers?  I got an email today asking about a figure I've had for sale for over a year, asking if I'd just lower the price (sometimes they'll do that--they'll tell me how long the listing has been up, suggesting I'm never going to get what I'm asking for it).  I was surprised that I even had one listed, since they became very scarce before the pandemic . . . and I actually went in an RAISED the price.

Yep, that's one for my next installment of "Tales of eBay Evil," thank you very much.

Words Today: 759
Words In April: 4802

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