Monday, February 08, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 373

I finished yet another Rish Outcast yesterday,  began work on another Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name, and started editing the audio of my story "podcatcher."  Today, I had quite a bit of work to do, but managed to finish the PTDNSIN, and then moved on to the audiobook.  It was really slow-going (the first chapter was all that I managed, so far, and it comes in at twenty minutes, from a forty-two minute recording), but I'm enthusiastic, because I like the story.

Of course, I don't know if it's any good--there were a couple moments in that first chapter where I thought, "Ugh, maybe I shouldn't share this with anyone"--but I know that it really kicks into gear in the second chapter, and the third chapter is among the best stuff I've written.  I got so caught up in the editing that, before I knew it, it was getting dark, and I'd all but missed my window in which the library is open.  So I scrambled, got my bag and keys (and mask, you gotta remember your mask--although I think they provide them at the Security desk here, if you've forgotten), and got here without much time to spare.

And I'm spending it blogging.  Sigh.

Oh, by the way, if you'd like to read my story "Bad Trip," it's available HERE on Amazon.  You could do better, sure . . . but could you do worse?

Sit-ups Today: 166
Sit-ups In February: 943

So, I finished watching "30 Rock."  It didn't take long, really (probably because of that Autoplay feature that just shows the next one, whether you want it to or not, whether you're awake or not), but then it was time to choose which show to watch next.

Because the creators of "30 Rock" were also the creators of NBC's new show "Mr. Mayor" (it was originally supposed to be a Jack Donaghy spin-off, but Alec Baldwin decided he didn't want to do it), I decided to give that a chance.  But I only laughed once in the entirety of the first episode, which is, um, not optimal.

Push-ups Today: 132
Push-ups In February: 772

So, I finally took my friend Jeff's advice to watch "Schitt's Creek."  I watched two episodes of that, then fell asleep, but didn't want to come back to it tonight.  It didn't really do anything for me, but they say it gets really, really good after the first season, so we'll see.

This was yesterday.  Today, I thought I'd try to start up "Modern Family" again--a show I watched the first four episodes of with Big Anklevich the year it started (2009?).  The show was surprisingly strong right out of the gate--I laughed quite a bit, and cried in both the third and fourth episodes.  I guess I'll be watching this for a while, considering it aired for eleven seasons.

Oh, but there's a downside: because I'm watching it on Peacock, I have to watch the same unskippable commercials each episode.  Among them is that fugging commercial for Emgality that ends with "Do not use if allergic to Emgality."

Anyway, I went to bed feeling like I had made the right choice (the fifth episode started to auto-play, but I turned it off before I ended up getting no sleep at all), but also a bit melancholy because, as passionate as I am about my writing . . . will I ever write anything as good as "By the way, we need to stop having friends with names like Andre"?

I don't have an answer to that.

Words Today: 1097
Words In February: 6038

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