Monday, February 08, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 372

Super Bowl's going on right now.  And that's fine.  I haven't gotten any writing done, I've been editing audio, but now I have a headache.  I imagine it'll be a rough rest of the day.

It's now midnight, and I guess I should write a few words.  It's crazy that sit-ups, running, and push-ups are all easier to do than that.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In February: 777

There was a big get together at my mom's house, and I really didn't want to watch The Big Game (as they call it, to get away from trademark issues), so I asked Cathexis if she would sit down and watch a "Twilight Zone" with me.  I very much enjoyed doing those Twilight Groan episodes last year, but she must not have felt the same way, because she said, "Maybe," and we didn't end up doing it.  I think she's said the same a half a dozen times since Christmas.  It may be that Twilight Groan is a single season podcast, darn it.

Push-ups Today: 50
Push-ups In February: 640

At last night's toy trade, I spoke to a guy who had driven out to the desert and taken photos this week of his action figures (specifically, the Mandalorian and Child) in rock formations and Tatooine-like sandy vistas.  The pictures were pretty spectacular, and that's what he had brought to trade.  Unfortunately, as cool as the photos were, nobody was buying.  I felt kind of bad about it.  But it made me want to drive out to the middle of nowhere and do the same, maybe take along my box of Dewbacks and line them up out there.

I'm sure I won't, but it makes a nice addition to the list of things I would enjoy but will never do.*

Words Today: 434
Words In February:4941 

*Of course, one of my goals for 2021 is to drive out to the Bonneville Salt Flats and take pictures there.  Maybe I could take along some Dewbacks or an AT-AT.  Or try to do a song out there, surrounded by salt.  I wonder how windy it gets.

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