Saturday, January 02, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 336

This is a special day too.  Not because of anybody's birthday (though Cuba Gooding Junior was born today), but because this is my three hundredth and thirty-third day in a row of writing.  Unless I got the count wrong, which I probably did.

Do you get those awful phishing emails that say "Interview Request" or "Employment Offer" like I do?  I hate those, and it makes me wonder about the thousands of people that are currently unemployed that have their resumes out there, and then they get one of these emails and open it with hopeful expectations.

I went to the library, and wrote up a little author's note for the Lara & the Witch Christmas story.  I mentioned a month or two back that I was seriously considering "Bundling Made Easy" for the third L&TW book, and in looking at that post today (I had forgotten what name it was, as the actual file doesn't have a title), I'm doubling down on it.  The title, while not quite as beautiful as "You're In Good Hands" (or "On Your Side," for that matter), is absolutely appropriate.

In looking at insurance slogans for a possible title for this new one, I saw a couple--"For All The Nevers In Life," and "Driven To Be The Best" and "We've Got You Covered" and "Getting Better All The Time" and "The Company You Keep"--that are all really evocative as titles (I think it's possible that, had I seen that last one before "Bundling Made Easy," I would've chosen that as the title for the third story), and I considered "Get To A Better State" for when they move to a new town and start again (but it seems unlikely I'm going to write that story now).*

So, I'm thinking that this one should be called "Made Just For You," which came up on the list of slogans, but when I did a search for it, I couldn't figure out what company used that.  One list included "Just Made For You," which is close enough, but I also couldn't find out who used that one.  Ah well, maybe I'll have to call it "You're Insured With Chubb."  

I came home from the library early because I was going to the city with my nephews for a toy trade night, but when I got home, they had decided to go fishing instead, despite having gone fishing at 6:30 this morning (apparently, they didn't catch anything the first time).  So that left me with time to spare, and grouchiness to burn off.  I edited podcasts for a couple of hours, and then ate an entire pizza myself (take THAT, 2021!).

Sit-ups Today: 131
Sit-ups In January: 242

Push-ups Today: 60
Push-ups In January: 177

Words Today: 590  
Words In January: 1132

*Big Anklevich contacted me a few days later and said, "Hey, have you named you Lara romance story yet?  You could call it "The Company You Keep."  Great minds, right?  He also suggested I use "The Power To Help You Succeed" one day.

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