Friday, January 01, 2021

January Sweeps - Day 335

Well, it's a new year, and I really should have done something extra today.  But I didn't.  I mostly sat around, read, and edited podcasts.  So much for 2021, huh?

But what did you expect?  Picking a fight with local drug dealers before grabbing my best girl and carrying her up three flights of stairs where we would make out while the sun set?

I did my full run tonight, did my push-ups and my sit-ups (dang, it's a new month, and I haven't set any goals yet . . . guess they can be the same goals as last month), wrote another couple paragraphs on my Holcomb story, and then sat down and finished recording "A Sidekick's Errand," as well as writing up an author's note for it.  If I had a cover for that, I'd publish it tomorrow.

I was thinking I'd ask my nephew to pose for a picture, where I'd take it from below, as though the boy were looking down into a gulley (there's a bit where Ben Parks has to lead his pony down into one), and I'd turn it into a painting the way I did "Choice of a Sidekick," which used a photograph from two years ago to depict a seven year old Ben Parks (Ben is eleven in all the other stories so far).

Sit-ups Today: 111

Push-ups Today:117

Words Today: 542

One of the irritating things about writing this blog is that on the right of the screen, it lists when I "published" this entry, which means, I dunno, when I created the post, or when I last worked on it, I dunno, anything but when it was published.  Hence, there are days when I don't post my entries because the blogging site says I already did.  Like today.

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