Tuesday, December 08, 2020

December Sweeps - 311

Tomorrow may be my last day in quarantine (considering the guidelines are to self-quarantine for ten days after your first symptoms, if you got a positive test), but who knows?

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In December: 744

I know I've got the Coronavirus and stuff, but I just did one hundred and four push-ups in a row, and that's more than I ever have.  So there's that.

Push-ups Today: 104
Push-ups In December: 410

I podcasted with Big, did my exercise, and tried to catch up on my blog from a few days ago (still haven't caught up) before I turned my attention to recording some audio for the day.  My voice has not recovered from my sickness (just like my sense of taste--diminished--and sense of smell--still completely absent), but I recorded the first two chapters of the new Ben Parks story "A Sidekick's Errand."

I haven't voiced Sheriff Murtry or Deputy Anglesworth in five or so years, so I don't know how they sounded originally, but I'll try to keep it consistent in this story, at least.  This is the one I talked about years ago, my originally-intended sequel to "Birth of a Sidekick," but with a new aspect to it that pretty much quadrupled the length of the story (it's about 13,000 words now, and will probably be fifteen or sixteen when I'm finished recording).  I love telling Ben Parks stories, and while it will never get me laid, I hope a person or three out there looks forward to them, enough so I finally write "Sins of a Sidekick" in the New Year.

For now, though, it's 3:17am, and I ought to quit for the night.

Words Today: 392
Words In December: 4956

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