Monday, December 07, 2020

December Sweeps - 310

So,  in continuation of yesterday's pity-me post, as I was driving home from the canyon, I saw a car in front of me at a red light with this bumper sticker on it:

Yes, it says, "You Are Loved" on there.  

I am definitely a glass is half empty kind of guy, and the recent election we had where millions of people not only tried to re-elect Trump, but did so in unprecedented numbers, and then refused to accept the fact that even more people voted for the other guy, has me thinking that, like the Dead Milkmen taught us, oh so many years ago, that "Life is shit, life is shit, the world is shit, the world is shit."

But then I see this, this lovely, optimistic, kind, and generous message on somebody's car, and I wish that it were true.

Even so, I wanted to share that, to the point of taking a photo while driving (but the irony would've been me plowing into an orphanage or something in the process).  I hope the driver of that car was having a nice weekend.

Today, I didn't go out.  I spent the whole day in quarantine.  No fun, but hey, at least my headache didn't come back.

Sit-ups Today: 75
Sit-ups In December: 644

I edited a few chapters of "My Friend of Misery," and it occurred to me that I should just post it on Amazon with the temporary cover mockup I made to show Gino was I was looking for.  Might as well upload it:

Heck, I could do that with "Roll With The Changes:"

 And "That's The Spirit!:"

But probably not "Never Let Him Go."  That one's too ugly even for me:

So, it's the end of the night, and I've done no writing.  I feel it's the tiredest I've ever been, and my eyes want to close.  So, I asked myself, on the couch, the TV paused, do I close my eyes and drift away with zero words . . . or do I get up and write?  I still haven't decided.

Well, I did write.  I wrote a scene I will never share with anyone (what else is new?) in an attempt to stay awake, and like I said the last time I wrote something truly valueless--it still counts as writing.

Words Today: 883
Words In December: 4564

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