Monday, July 13, 2020

Video - "Rest Stop"

I had been talking to Big about doing a couple of video readings of my stories, maybe for a Dunesteef episode, so I dug out two--one I could do myself and one that we could do together.

The first time I went up to the family cabin this year, I sat down next to the pile of the last of the winter snow (except it ended up snowing again the next week and the pile got way bigger) and did this reading of my short story "Rest Stop."  Of course, my intention was to film the whole thing, rather than only a couple of minutes, but my phone is consistent, if not reliable.

It was a learning experience:
1.  The wind affects a phone way more than a microphone.
2.  Next time (if there is one), I'll have a phone with a lot more recording time. 
3.  And hey, try not to sit down in the snow for a half an hour.

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