Sunday, July 12, 2020

July Sweeps - Day 163

Because of my piss-poor word count the last two days, when the sun woke me up this morning, I told myself to turn on my computer and write, and any words I got in before my alarm would count as part of yesterday's total.  Pretty good idea, no?

Well, in theory.  I wrote a sentence, then briefly checked my email.  Then I followed a link from one of those emails . . . and then my alarm went off.  Sigh.  I got seven words in before it was time to get up.

Mama, oooooh, didn't mean to make you cry.

Sit-ups Today: 166
Sit-ups In July: 1927

So, I dunno what to say about today, except, well, I did better today than the last few.

I went into this weekend with a bunch of unanswered questions in my mind about my Halloween decoration story.  For example, Should their mother be away at work on Halloween night, or should she be at home with them?  What happens to the boy who tried to warn Katy about breaking the rules?  What happens to the little brother?  Whoops, I have one character named Tristan and one character named Tevin: should I change one of them?  Is it stronger if Katy sticks to her guns or changes her mind at the last moment...but it's too late?

Well, somehow, I just gave arbitrary answers to those questions and wrote the story through to the end.  Yep, I got to type those happiest of words, and that means I've finished two stories in less than a week.  So, as a reward, I think I'll make tomorrow all about me.  Maybe I'll eat a donut, maybe I'll eat some chili fries.  Maybe I'll get up early, or maybe I'll sleep through my alarm (doubtful).  Maybe I'll have a bunch of people on Facebook send me greetings.

Heck, in preparation, I think I'll go do fifty more sit-ups.

Words Today: 1396
Words In July: 10,336

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