Friday, June 14, 2024

The Female Protagonist Speaks!

Boy, this has been a while in coming.  I'm not going to make excuses, except to say that the audiobook version of the "Female Protagonist" collection is finally available.

I feel like I've spoken about this enough, but I see some of the other writers out there, flogging their works like their name is Molly and it's always March the seventeenth, so I can bear to say it once more.  

Once again, the contents of this particular collection are "A Lovely Singing Voice," "Roll With The Changes," "Office Visit," "A Gallon A Day," "Run Away," "Creature Feature," "My Funny Valentine," "Winter Break," and "Remember the Future," and I re-recorded a bunch of Author's Notes for inclusion in the collection (on the off-chance folks enjoy listening to them . . . since you can just hit Skip if you don't).

Plus, it's the only place I'll be releasing my performance of "A Gallon A Day," though I'd love to beg Tena or Renee or somebody to record it for me for an Outcast episode one day.

It's fifty-three audio files, plus the opening and closing titles, and the five minute sample (which I absolutely DIDN'T want to create once I thought I was done, but only took nine or ten more minutes to cobble together*).

It's available HERE on Audible.  See you there?

Of course, if you'd like to buy it for the Kindle, click HERE.  If you prefer a paperback, go HERE.  And for the crazy ones, there's a hardcover available HERE.

And now . . . on to the next one.

*I chose a bit from the end of Chapter 5 of "A Lovely Singing Voice," because you kind of have to arbitrarily pick something, and the moment when Tanissa realizes just what's going on with the neighbor girl is probably a good hook.  Plus, I'm sure I'll release that story in some other way, maybe just another volume of random audio stories, so it's good to have a five minute sample from it I can use.  

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