Friday, May 24, 2024

Missing Bracelet Found!

A year or so back, I posted that I was going to sit down and record "The Case of the Missing Bracelet," but the file was incomplete.  I ended up having to cobble it together from the daily blog posts I was saving to my old laptop, which I wrote at the cabin with no internet.  And by the time I had what I assumed was a complete file, I just went on to the next thing, not recording it at all.

But more than a year later, I sat down and got the work done, which didn't seem like so much work when it's something I care about, and the story is out and available.  It's another Lost & Found series story, and while it's the least consequential one, it at least let me catch up with Will Choner and Beth Vance ("...and the rest," as the song goes) for a bit, enough that I followed it up with a longer, more significant story, which I ought to put out soon.*

In this story, a sexy fellow student asks Bethany Reilly to have Treasures Regained track down her missing bracelet.  She may not be on the up and up, but of course Will Choner still goes after it.

I am loathe to promote my own stuff (when I get to Hell, I will probably be assigned as a publicist to someone like Justin Bieber or Kid Rock or Kanye West, and I dread that as much as the whole fire and brimstone and verbally-abusive demons aspect of the afterlife), but feel free to go to THIS LINK and grab a copy of it.  Or don't . . . some bracelets weren't meant to be found.

*But probably won't.

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