Sunday, May 05, 2024

2024 Goals - May Update

I need to post my goals/New Year's Resolutions much more regularly, because every time I do, I am reminded of where I'm falling short.  So here are 2024 goals I set.*

1.  Exercise 222 Days
I'm well on my way.  By my count, I'm near to one hundred days of exercise, which is way past where I technically HAVE to be to make my goal.

2.  Put out 5th audio collection
I got the introduction from Big, so that means it's all on me.

3.  Release "Balms & Sears" novel
No progress.

4.  Clear out my room . . . a bit
Oh . . . oh no.

5.  Finish "Melancholy Christmas Night" story
It appears I finished that one on the third of February.  Not sure of the date, but around then.

6.  Write "Sins of a Sidekick" novella
Oh my lord, I've actually started it.

7.  Write 10 stories (and finish them)
I wrote "Your Partner on the Road" and the currently untitled Witchcraft Fair story, both in the Lara & The Witch series.  I wrote a very short comic tale "I've Got A Secret."  I also wrote the holiday story "The Day Before The Day Before Christmas."

8.  Put out 10 episodes of The Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name
I only have two so far, but I shelved that series while I ran "Ten Thousand Coffins" for two months.  Started on another one yesterday.

9.  Sell Trypticon

I tried once, and failed.

10.  Avoid retail price, wait for clearance
I'm about 40/60 on that . . . in the good way.

11.  Do 3 things that scare me
I gotta say, putting out a physical copy of my writing, that people could buy or not buy, was scarier than it should've been. 

*Episode 269 of the Rish Outcast goes into these in much greater detail.

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