Tuesday, September 27, 2022



I came up to the cabin last week to find about half a dozen flies buzzing around the windows.  I was reminded of a visit last year when there had been dozens, and was grateful we didn't get a repeat of that (we'd bought a couple of those gross fly strips to hang, and those are always unpleasant).  Today, however, I found at least a hundred crawling along the window, and the next window, and the next window.  Had someone left a door open or something? I wondered, and when I went upstairs, there were a hundred more up there, except I can't reach the upstairs windows.  I swatted as many as I could, then sucked them all up in the little hand vaccuum, and dropped them in the toilet so you could see:

But that only got about half of them.  They keep buzzing and clicking the glass, trying to get out, I assume, but maybe not--multitudes of insects keep flying into the windows from outside, as though they can hear their cousins in here, and want to join them.  It's so strange.

It's a couple hours later, and while I was killing flies for the seventh or eighth time today, I remembered last year finding a bunch of them in the space at the top of the back door, so I opened it . . .

And there were HUNDREDS of flies clustered there, in every available space between.  It was horror movie stuff.  I did vacuum up another fifty or more, but with the door open, they could just fly outside and to freedom.  The ones that flew into the cabin I eventually swatted (unless they went up to the roof, which I might go at tomorrow using a ladder and the vacuum).  I edited two more chapters in the book (I'm more than halfway through now--though just barely--and I found three more Thistle lines I'll have to replace when I get home), but damned if I couldn't hear the flies buzzing in the windows the whole time, driving me to distraction.

I went for my run, and it was in the upper fifties outside.  I wondered if I should make a fire in the stove, but last week, it was in the forties, so I'm not going to bother.

Somewhere around 10:30, I started getting tired.  I was falling asleep while editing by eleven.  I even closed my eyes while typing this.

What a strange phenomenon . . . I'm going to bed now.  Hopefully, I'll wake up all the earlier and get some more work done.

Exercise: Yes (23)

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