Sunday, May 30, 2021

May Sweeps - Day 484

So, last year, I got this idea for a werewolf story (a bit of a spoiler, I guess, since the werewolves don't show up till Chapter 3) and I blogged about it briefly.  I mentioned then (and I guess am going to say it again), that it's much more of a screenplay in my mind, with that kind of structure, and a bunch of high school characters stuck on a schoolbus.

For some stupid reason, I got it into my head that I would name all the characters after names mentioned in one of my favorite Monty Python sketches, "Election Night Special."

You may or may not remember it.  I know it best from the "Live at Drury Lane" recording, but it features Tarquin Fin-tin Lim-bim Bus Stop Fatang Fatang Ole Biscuitbarrel.  This guy:

And sometimes I need to do stuff like that to entertain myself.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In May: 3045

The other night, I was watching a video on YouTube about the original Star Wars toys, and how there are still a small handful of characters/figures that were made in the vintage line that have never been made in the modern lines (modern being 1995 on, though it seems strange to think of a toyline from twenty-five years ago being considered "modern").  

And I discovered that, way back in the day, Kenner put out a set that included the large laser cannon that the Rebels used on Hoth.  It was called the "Turret & Probot Set."

It's primitive, and overpriced because it's forty years old.  But apparently, more recently, Target put out a set that included a much bigger one.

Not the Ion Cannon that shot a Star Destroyer, but this one:

And, for a couple of desperate hours, I simply HAD to have one.  It's a strange phenomenon, this focused need to buy something I have no use for (such as the first appearance of Klarion the Witchboy).  And I know that it will pass if I just give it time.  But many a thing I have purchased because I felt this overwhelming desire for them at the time, that I scratched my head over later.

And I don't really need to spend $150 on this:

Push-ups Today: 60
Push-ups In May: 3400

So, there's only two days left in the month, and I hadn't gone on a hike, so I chose today to do it.  And man, it was more effort than I've expended (not on the toilet) this whole year! 

It surprised me, because the last time I hiked it, it was hard work, but that was many months ago, and I've exercised every single day since then . . . and there's no improvement whatsoever.  Of course, I also weigh a lot more now than I did then, so maybe it's a wash.

I reached the end of the day, hadn't written one word (I had considered taking my laptop with me on my drive, like I did last week, but I was going to stop for ice cream--to replace the two gallons I ate during the week*--and didn't want it to melt while I wrote in the park again).  Maybe I wouldn't have written anything, but I turned on "Last Week Tonight" . . . and there was no episode this week.

This afternoon, I listened to my audio brainstorm for the werewolf story I started on yesterday, and while there was a lot there, I just don't know if it's worth getting into.  I certainly didn't want to start on it tonight (maybe I should make a list of the characters, twenty or so, and give them names and little bios, so that I can consult that as I start to kill them off--man, this should really be a screenplay instead of a story), so I sat down and thought, "What can I write, right now, as just a single one or two page story, so I can get my words done and eat some ice cream?"

I decided to write a scene where Old Widow Holcomb goes to her very first parent-teacher conference, and meets Lara's 7th or 8th Grade teacher.**  It's a very dumb story without any plot whatsoever (except for if you like it, then hey, I managed a beginning, middle, and end all in less than two thousand words!), but I always enjoy writing Lara/Holcomb stories, and this one could easily be shared in the summer sometime, to see if people like it (I keep bumping "Last Friday In December" and "Hatchling" for the next audio project to start on, mostly because I have no space on my recorder, and now I'm thinking I'll record one of the new Lara and the Witch stories to work on in June).  Stranger things have happened.

Words Today: 1253
Words In May: 20,341


**I saw there's an actor named Noah Jupe in the QUIET PLACE movies, and wept long and hard that his last name is so horrible.  So I decided Lara's teacher would be Mrs. Jupe.  Then, after deciding she's reserved and hyper-conservative, I changed it to Miss Jupe.

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