Thursday, April 01, 2021

Arpil Sweeps - Day 425

Today was April Fool's Day.  So shame on you.

Actually, it surprises me how much people (in general, or maybe just on the internet) hate April Fool's Day.  As much as I hate Valentine's Day (and oh, Max Eisenhart, Father of All Mutants, do I hate Valentine's Day), these folks get up in arms about it, decrying the stupidity, wastefulness, and outright evil of the day.  That is a lot to process, and surely they have their reasons.  But as for myself, I proclaim that I believe April Fool's Day has done me good, and I believe it will do me good, and I say, God bless it!

I worked very little, I exercised, I watched two episodes of "Modern Family," I ate, I wrote very, very little, and what are you gonna do?

Sit-ups Today: 100

I try to cut out some or all of the "ums" in my podcasts, because I do them ALL THE TIME.  And it has made me super sensitive to them.  When I hear my voice on other shows and they didn't cut out the "ums," it makes me quite uncomfortable.  And when I see people interviewed on TV (or YouTube, which, I guess, has replaced TV), and they say "um" or "uh" over and over and over again, it gets me really agitated.

Push-ups Today: 50

At the end of the night, I recorded two chapters/sections from "Meet the New Clerk," and the whole time, I was paranoid that the space would run out (as it often does) before I was done.  I must've have glanced down at the recorded forty or fifty times.  But I finished both of them with time to spare, and probably ought to have done a third chapter/section.  I'd like to be done recording these (even though it's a blast to give voice to the characters . . . if the story is flowing particularly well, of course), but then I'd be forced to create cover art for it and, well, you know the drill.

I haven't thought about a cover for "Meet the New Clerk, Same As The Old Clerk" yet.  If you held a gun to my head, I guess I'd say I'd like something like this:

where there's the silhouette of a man at the top of some stairs.  This stolen clipart is not bad, really, and you'd be surprised by how many pictures came up when I searched "silhouette of man on stairs" in an image search.

I went to Del Taco, my favorite fast food place, the other day, and ordered chicken strips and two chicken tacos.  The cashier said, "Uh oh," when she reached the total, and I asked what was wrong.  "Nothing," she said, but then I saw it too.

"I'm sorry," the cashier said, "some people get bothered by things like this."

"I don't mind," I said, "I've seen THE OMEN eight times."

And to my surprise, she gave me a free drink.

Words Today: 483

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