Thursday, April 22, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 446

I felt pretty sick last night, and had a real humdinger of a headache that woke me around six or six-thirty am.  My friend in Germany got his vaccination shot the same day as me, and he said that he got really sick about twenty-four hours later, and calling in sick at work two days in a row.  He further said that those who have not gotten COVID tend to get sick on their second vaccination shot, but those that have had it get sick on their first.  He said being tired and getting a headache is one of the side effects.

So there.

Even so, here I am, at the library, blogging instead of writing.  

Sit-ups Today: 162
Sit-ups In April: 2409

Yesterday, during my run, I had this idea of writing a new Ben Parks story that starts, say, ten years before, with the Lean Rider on an adventure, with a sidekick we've never heard about, and something happens--say, he gets into a gunfight and kills two bandits, but leaves a third one alive.  And then we cut to the present day (1897 or so) and the surviving bandit has been obsessed with that day, doing nothing but practice in a hope to run into the Rider again, and this time beat him.  He comes to Trueno, Arizona, where the Lean Rider was last seen, and Ben encounters him.

At least I THINK this was the idea I had yesterday.  I honestly can't remember, except that it was going to start with a previous adventure with a previous sidekick, and then pick up a decade later with Ben.  It's so weird that I can't remember any of it (the stuff about the bandit wanting a second gunfight I made up just now for my blog), but I keep hearing that the best ideas are the ones where your brain keeps dredging them up, again and again, until you write them.  The ones you forget . . . well, maybe those weren't all that special to begin with.*

Push-ups Today: 100
Push-ups In April: 2244

I noticed somebody with an amusing window sticker in the library parking lot the other day:

In case you can't tell, that's Mickey Mouse giving the finger.

Today, I saw this one:

I guess this is the sort of thing that Captain America smashed commies in the Fifties for, isn't it?

Words Today: 923
Words In April: 15,1556
(would it have killed me to write just one fewer word?)

*Still, that book I wrote "My Friend of Misery" was based on a dream I had, and promptly forgot having . . . except I had the foresight to record myself recounting the dream as soon as I woke up, otherwise, I'd have had no memory of it my morning.  And who knows if I would've written that story otherwise?

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