Sunday, April 18, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 442

After the misery of last night, I was wise enough to write as SOON as I got up this morning (granted, only wrote a little bit, but hey, I was gonna be grateful by the end of the night), so I didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the day.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 1733

I was at Walmart, and a young woman pushed her cart past me and said, "You're awesome."  Now, that seemed strange, so I made eye contact with her, trying to figure out if she was talking to me, or on the phone or what.  "What?" I said.

She said, "You're awesome.  And handsome too."*  Well, I had a mask on, so hey, maybe I did look pretty handsome there, but I still said, "Me?  Thanks, but, uh, why would you say that?"  And the woman said, "I have autism, so I say things like this.  But you are awesome."  Well, I had no idea how to respond to that, so I thanked her again, and went on my way.

At the end of the night, my allergies started to go haywire, with red, puffy eyes, an itchy nose, sneezing, and lots and lots of blowing of the nose.  Finally, I grabbed some allergy medicine, and even though I knew it would knock me out, I was fine with it as long as I stopped sniffling and watering from my eyes.

Push-ups Today: 160
Push-ups In April: 1966

Two or three days ago, I heard the word "diffident" in an audio book, and realized I didn't know what it meant.  So, I looked it up (it means hesitant or underconfident, but you knew that already, because you're smart), and put it out of my mind . . . except that, in the library book I've been reading, I saw the word "diffident" again.  I had to call my friend Jeff in Germany to tell him about it.

And he told me I was experiencing what is known as Klinefelter Syndrome, where a man develops lactating breasts.

No, no, my mistake.  He said what I was experiencing was Baader-Meinhoff Phenomenon, where you notice something once, and then it seems to turn up over and over again.  He said it's caused by not making it to the bathroom in time, especially on a long roadtrip.

It's apparently also known as Frequency Illusion, where your brain notices repetition of something that it otherwise would simply gloss over.  HOWEVER, on Friday, I heard (heard, not read, mind you) the word "diffident" again, and that makes three times in a week. 

Me, I blame Satan.

Words Today: Darn few. 374
Words In April: 12,186

*I know this sounds like bullshit.  Nobody knows that better than me, but this happened, and I was talking to Big on the phone at the time, so hopefully he'll back me up on this.

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