Friday, April 16, 2021

April Sweeps - Day 440

Nothin' for you today neither.  Like you deserve.

Sit-ups Today: 100
Sit-ups In April: 1633

So, I never came up with a title for the Lara and the Witch Valentine's Day story I just finished.  If you know any insurance company slogans that might apply, feel free.  I looked it over, and it's just over ten thousand words long, which probably means--

Oh, wait.  There are no boob references in the story.  So much for my integrity, huh?

Push-ups Today: 159 (whoops, I was on 160)
Push-ups In April: 1746

I finally sat down and recorded tonight.  I realized, in posting the most recent Rish Outcast episode, that my 200th episode is right around the corner, and that I had nothing special (or "special," if you want to be mean about it) planned.  So I thought and thought and thought (alright, alright, I only thought once) about a story that means something to me, that maybe I hadn't shared yet* on either my podcast or the Dunesteef.

And I remember, years ago, Big and I talking about, having done a final episode of our podcast (for use if one of us died, or we had a big falling out, or he moved to Arkansas or Texas or something), which of our stories would we want to run in the last story episode.  I don't remember what he said--maybe he hadn't written enough of them yet--but I said, "Oh, that's easy.  I'd run my story 'Dying Is Easy.'"  That's a little semi-funny/semi-serious story I wrote a decade or so back (no way to know now--it would've been the same year I wrote "Overtaken") that seemed to sum up who I am in a unique and hopefully entertaining way.

So, that's what I'll pick for my 200th show.  I sat down and tried to record it tonight, but eventually, my voice started to give way (I stupidly gave a character a sort of Cobra Commander voice--in the cartoon, he had a screamy way of speaking that sounded like a rusty iron gate--and that shredded my vocal chords) and I ran out of memory.  But I'd edited a couple of chapters on my story "Caller I.D.,"** and I deleted those, then had enough to get through 3/4ths of the story.  I considered recording until the space ran out again, but then looked at the clock.

It was past three.  So, I shut off the microphone and decided to finish the rest when I'm fresh.  The recordings go faster if I'm more awake, and when recording time is at a premium, it's best to try again tomorrow.  Perhaps.

Words Today: 742
Words In April: 11,588

*I could also ask my listeners for questions to answer on the 200th show, but I doubt I'd get any questions beyond, "Why?"

**This is a story I've mentioned, where every chapter takes place in a different year.  So, thinking I'd impress Big Anklevich, I had a comment about who won the Super Bowl every year in, like, four chapters.  But I edited a part where the Baltimore Ravens win two Super Bowls in a row, and became suspicious--could that team really have been that good?  So I looked it up, and discovered that either my research had gotten screwed up during editing (originally, the story started in 2010, and later, I bumped it to 2008), or I had never done research at all (although really, why would I have mentioned the Ravens at all, had I been making up football stats?  The Baltimore Ravens sounds like a team invented in a Sci-Fi story where the NFL was cool enough to name a team after Edgar Allan Poe, not . . . well, whatever the NFL is in reality).  So, I had to replace the Ravens with the Packers.  Sad.

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